Child Abuse
Child Abuse
#Stress, money trouble, professional instability and a host of other factors can influence the amount of alcohol a person consumes. However, #alcoholism not only affects an individual, it impacts family members and friends – including #children. Research studies have shown a link between parents who abuse alcohol and the risk of child neglect and abuse. Roughly four in ten child abusers have admitted to being under the influence of alcohol during the time of the offense. Children who are victimized at a young age have an increased risk of developing behavioral and physical problems as they get older.
To be continued
#Opioids #Heroin #Marijuana #Hash #Meth #Hemp #Alcohol #Rehabilitation Center #carf #therapy #soberlife #rehab #healing #recovery #sober #cure #narcotics #peace #Corona #Riverside #California #Beach #Hiking #Mountain
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