Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol Addiction
Seeking Alcohol Addiction Treatment for You or a Loved One
Here are a few other ways that alcohol addiction is different than alcohol abuse:
- The person can’t stop drinking.
- An addict has withdrawal symptoms when they don’t consume more alcohol.
- They lose positive things in their life, such as their job, relationships, and favorite activities.
- They suffer from kidney or liver disease.
- They have a tolerance to alcohol that has been built up by excessive use, thereby needing significant amounts of alcohol to get a buzz and stave off withdrawal symptoms.
Moreover, the longer a person continues to abuse alcohol, the greater the risk of developing irreversible and life-threatening health issues. Prolonged alcohol consumption can lead to conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, memory loss, and significant liver and kidney damage. Even after an individual stops drinking, some of these health problems may persist, affecting their quality of life.
Taking action early can help mitigate these risks. The sooner a person seeks help for their alcohol addiction, the fewer health complications they are likely to face, and the better their chances of avoiding long-term damage. Early treatment also allows the individual to regain control over their life more quickly, preventing further harm to their personal relationships, career, and overall well-being.