Misuse, abuse, and addiction
Misuse, abuse, and addiction
Although there is no fixed definition, many experts believe that drug use becomes abuse when it starts to damage or impede aspects of a person’s daily life, such as work or parenting.
Drug misuse is different and, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source, refers to the “intentional therapeutic use of a drug product in an inappropriate way.”
Prescription drugs are among the most commonlyTrusted Source misused drugs in the U.S.
Opioid-related overdoses have tripled within the last decade. According to the CDC, prescription opioids misuse accounted for 32%Trusted Source of all opioid overdose deaths in 2018.
Drug abuse and drug misuse can lead to addiction. Substance use disorder occurs when a person no longer feels in control of their need to use a substance and becomes dependent on it.
It is important to note that not everyone who misuses or abuses a drug will develop substance use disorder.
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Courtesy Medical News Today