Signs You Need Rehab
Signs You Need Rehab
Drug and alcohol usage can slip into abuse over time, often without the user being fully aware. Recreational use can turn into a problem that may become an addiction. If you suspect that you or a loved one has a problem with drugs or alcohol, you may need help from professionals who understand how to treat addictions.
Rehab facilities offer structured programs for individuals battling addiction and are staffed with people experienced in treating dependence. Rehab can entail staying at a facility for a month or more or can be structured as an outpatient or even office visit model. With so many options to chose from, rehab is becoming more accessible for those who need it.
If you’re not sure if you or a loved one need a rehab program, here are some signs that may help clarify your relationship with drugs or alcohol. The most important thing to realize is that help is available to you at any stage.
Main Focus
One sign you may have a problem is that drugs or alcohol has become a primary focus of your thoughts and you find yourself structuring your day in order to partake in your substance of choice. You may begin to avoid people, activities, and interests in order to prioritize your use of drugs or alcohol.
Health Impact
Physical and mental health suffers as substance abuse takes hold. Drugs and alcohol damage cells in the body and brain resulting in unwanted changes in the way you think, feel or behave. Substances can also put you in a position to take risks you may not otherwise take and end in accidental harm done to yourself or those around you.
More and More
Most people who use substances for a prolonged time begin to need more in order to obtain the same high as initially felt. This means that you are likely to increase your consumption in order to feel that way you felt when you started using. An increase in consumption is a reliable sign that drugs or alcohol is beginning to consume you.
Mental Illness
It’s common for those who suffer from addiction to also suffer from a mental illness, perhaps even one that’s gone undiagnosed. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other illnesses can make people more prone to reach for an addictive substance to ease the pain. Rehab can help not only with substance abuse but also with underlying issues.
You Can’t Quit
Often people try to quit on their own but relapse. Some are able to walk away from drugs or alcohol for periods of time yet seem powerless to maintain their sobriety for the long haul. Being unable to stop using on your own is a reliable indicator that you need support to conquer your ties to drugs or alcohol.
The most important thing to understand is that if you want help, help is available for you or your loved ones. If you need help quitting there are resources for every budget and addiction. If you have questions, or just want to talk, please contact us.