Top Benefits of Sobriety
Top Benefits of Sobriety
Too often when we think of our recovery journey, we focus on quitting or stopping doing something instead of thinking about what we will gain. In this way, we focus on what we are losing which can be much less motivating than realizing all we may receive.
Of course, losing some things is good. No more shame, or lying about your life. No more unaccounted hours or wondering where all your money went. No more hiding and pretending. These are all great things to lose, but what will you gain?
It all comes down to the “why,” or the reason to embark on recovery in the first place. Having a compelling why helps bring focus and motivation on the days that are extra-hard. It’s just as important to identify what you will bring into your life as a result of your successful recovery journey.
So what are the benefits of sobriety? What can come into your life once you are sober?
Alcohol and drugs are toxic to our body’s natural state of balance, often putting our organs into a state of over-functioning pushing them to breakdown. Removing those toxins from our body allows us to heal physically, allowing us to feel better and become healthier. Thankfully our systems are resilient and will cleanse and rebuild with the right support.
Another positive physical result of removing the toxins from our body is increased mental clarity. Not only can drugs and alcohol impair our thinking, but the toxins built up in our bodies over time can leave us sluggish and foggy. Once sober, we feel better, wake up clear-headed, and no longer need to compensate for a night of partying.
As our body continues to heal, we also experience better sleep and more energy, two sides of the same coin, perhaps. We may think that passing out after a night of over-indulging counted as sleep, but the quality of sleep is drastically improved without substance usage. Not surprisingly, a good night’s sleep yields more energy as we are finally truly refreshed.
And yet, improving your physical and mental health while getting a good night’s sleep and increasing your energy are probably not the initial reasons for giving up your substance of choice. For many of us, the primary reason is rooted in relationships – with our families, friends, and ourselves.
As we learn to function without drugs or alcohol, we realize we are able to be more connected to ourselves and those around us. We are happier without the regular use of depressants and as a result, we relate better to others. We improve at work, we are more present with friends and family, and we have a better understanding of ourselves. We have more fun!!
If you want to leave shame behind, show up for your family, or just live the life you know in your heart is possible for you, we want to help. Sure, your skin will look better, but in truth, you will be glowing from the inside!