Eight (8) Best Exercises For Addiction Recovery
Eight (8) Best Exercises For Addiction Recovery
What activities are beneficial during addiction treatment?
There are numerous advantages to regular exercise and we know it contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Exercise has been shown to help people dealing with the effects of addiction. But what exercises suit people undergoing addiction treatment?
In the following paragraphs, we will provide some benefits of exercise for people in recovery and then explain the eight most effective exercises for addiction recovery.
Advantages of exercise during addiction treatment
Regardless of what stage in life a person is in, exercise has its benefits. Mental and physical wellbeing significantly increases with regular exercise. For people trying to recover from addiction, exercise also has its benefits.
Some of the movements that are beneficial to exercise during addiction treatment include:
Elimination of stress
Sleep stability
Improved general disposition
Cardio exercises.
The first eight activities we recommend for recovery from addiction are:
Team sports.
This list is not limited as any activity that enhances heart rate and enables the release of endorphins prove beneficial for those recovering. But let’s discuss the reasons each one of these activities aids in treating addiction.
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1) Walking/ Running
For those who are new to physical activity, walking should be one of the first exercises to attempt. It is gentle in nature. This form of exercise is wonderful for people dealing with addiction because it requires almost no effort from their exhausted bodies. The whole process of addiction is tedious, and when full blown, it can drain your energy. This is expecially true for people that have just undergone detoxification. For them, walking is one of the most preferable exercises as it requires low effort and can be incorporated at almost any time of the day cycle.
Like walking, running has plenty of advantages. However, it can be moderately hard for some people. If someone is seeking a way to boost their heart rate or release endorphins, then it is a go-to. Though, in comparison to walking, it is more difficult.
2) Hiking
For those wishing to work out in nature, hiking is a superb exercise choice. While hiking, you may engage with nature while simultaneously enhancing one’s health. The exposure to fresh air is arguably the most meaningful gain while hiking. According to some studies, being outdoors has positive effects on a person’s psychological well-being, which is a major plus for people with addiction, especially since many of them struggle with other mental health problems.
3) Swimming
Swimming is a relatively cool exercise that is low in intensity and is great for a full body workout, which is very beneficial for joints and muscles. Noted, even without simulating as if you are competing with a professional swimmer, this exercise is very effective. Another enjoyable method of exercise could be water aerobics.
4) Biking
Biking (or cycling) is a low-budget and low-maintenance aerobic activity that is very common. It can be a form of exercise where you travel to different places. It helps in strengthening the leg muscles and is also beneficial for the heart.
Pedaling a bicycle evokes feelings of elation and the tastes of freedom. For people affected by addiction, the condition feels like being handcuffed to a disease. The sensation of freedom that comes with cycling is a breathing relief.
5) Yoga
Yoga can benefit people in the same way as any other form of exercises while gaining an advantage over others. Yoga offers particular stretches and muscle strengthening exercises that is uncommon in other practices. It may also serve as a means to relieve stress and practice mindfulness. Going through the motions of yoga can drastically lower your heart beat while aiding in calming the stressful thoughts chronic sufferers have during the recovery stage.
6) Dancing
Getting the heart racing and simultaneously burning calories is for sure a fulfilling and entertaining experience. Dancing can foster the balance and motor skills of a person while also proving to be a stress reliever. Still, it is comparable to riding a stationary bicycle, where the body does not change location, but dancing can provide a sense of liberty and happiness making it an enjoyable addition to the recovery process.
7) Weightlifting
Strength Gaining An activity that is just as beneficial is weightlifting. Weightlifting enables muscle gain, strength improvement and increase in bone density. Weight training is very effective in alleviating stress and promoting good health. Nonetheless, there is an element of risk if correct procedures are ignored. A trained professional such as a trainer or a coach may enhance your skills to obtain better results from the exercise.
Another advantage of weightlifting is that one does not require perfect technique to begin seeing improvements. Because recovery is not as easy as some may wish it would be, many people struggling with addiction will find this satisfying. Significant incremental changes in weightlifting performance, as opposed to other types of exercises, gets measured which in themselves measures achievement..
8) Sports
Group Activities Engaging in sports as part of a team is advantageous for people in the recovery journey of addiction. It introduces you to like-minded individuals which aids in fostering socialization. In combination with these benefits, team sports also incite a healthy sense of competition which serves to increase motivation and make people adhere to their goals.
Caring Hands Recovery Center
At Caring Hands Recovery Treatment Center, we have among the best and most effective treatment options that we ensure are applicable to the unique conditions of patients. Caring Hands Recovery have qualified and experienced personnel ready to respond to your questions now. You can call us at +1 760-468-3444.
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