Ecstasy (Molly/MDMA): Effects and Risks
Ecstasy (Molly/MDMA): Effects and Risks
What Is Ecstasy?
Ecstasy – aka Molly, Adam, XTC and countless other names – is a composite narcotic, meaning it’s manufactured from compounds made in labs. It elevates one’s levels of energy, cheerfulness and feeling of tenderness towards other peoples but also has some adverse effects such as muscle spasms, depression or heart failure. Even a trace of ecstasy would be damaging to your mental, physical or emotional state. In considerable amounts, it can turn lethal.
It was first synthesized back in 1912 by German scientists but made an appearance on the streets back in the 1970s. It’s used in a bid to promote greater alertness and extend the feeling of euphoria. It can also strengthen emotions and enhance sexual relationships.
Ecstasy is however, similar to cocaine or heroin in that it is not classified as an addictive drug. But like any other stimulant drug such as methamphetamine, it has the potential of inducing some form of dependence. It also has what one person could deem as the uncanny ability of being able to alter one’s perspective of the world whereby simple things as time can elude you, not to mention causing hallucinations. Ecstasy alters the concentrations of many neurotransmitters in your brain such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.
Ecstasy is classed in the Schedule I list as having No acknowledged medicinal use, so if you are found with this drug, expect jail sentence according to the Controlled Substances Act.
MDMA or Ecstasy is strictly a recreational drug and has no therapeutic purpose, and though it’s in the process of being researched for its effectiveness towards certain mental disorders such as:
- Eating disorders
- Anxiety
- Alcohol use or substance use disorders.
Other names for Ecstasy
Ecstasy goes by various names on the streets such as:
Disco biscuit
Hug drug
Lovers speed
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What is in Ecstasy?
Ecstasy is a combination of different drugs but the primary drug it consists of is 3,4 methylenedioxy-methamphetamine. Ecstasy in pure form is a white crystalline powder which is then compressed into different molds. Various different additives are also used along with ecstasy such as:
- 3, 4 methylenedioxyamphetamine (also known as MDA, the love pill, the love drug)
- N-ethyl-methylendioxyamphetamine (better known as Eve or MDE)
- Lysergic acid diethylamide or (LSD)
- Caffeine
- Heroin
- Ketamine
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamine
- Amphetamine
There are some instances in which ecstasy doesn’t even contain MDA
How Does Molly Look?
Molly can be pretty colorful and come in various shapes like a gel, tablets or any other form of a bottle, its most notable feature is its logo; which can be a smiley face, a cartoon, or a wen sign from brands like Mercedes. But powder and liquid forms of Molly also do exist.
Ways Of Taking Ecstasy
Pill form which is swallowed is the most common method, however there are a few others ways of taking Ecstasy as well; which include:
Mixing the substance with liquids like juice or soda
Placing it under your tongue
Smoking it or
Injecting it
‘Stacking’ refers to the combination of drugs or deep reliance on a single pill. For example, taking 3 or more ecstasy on one go alongside other drugs namely LSD, marijuana, alcohol, or cocaine. Stacking the pills increases the risk of overdose alongside combining alcohol as that can lead to dehydration.
Taking more than one dose of ecstasy in a short period constitutes this.
Candy Flipping
Taking ecstasy with LSD, a hallucinogenic drug is called this.

Who Takes Ecstasy?
Around 2.2 million Americans over the age of twelve reported having used ecstasy in 2023 according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. As such, over one percent of those surveyed reported use. Additionally, over 22 million people reported having used ecstasy at some point in their life.
The federal survey showed that ecstasy was most prevalent in adults aged 26 and older. The number of adults aged 26 and older who took ecstasy was 1.5 million in 2023, compared to 520 thousand adults age from 18 to 25. And an estimated 75,000 children aged 12 to 17 reported use of ecstasy in 2023.
Concerns continue to soar for those who are adolescents due to the fact that their brains are not sufficiently developed. In 2023, the fraction of 13-year-olds claiming to have taken ecstasy in the last year roughly stands at 0.4%. That figure is almost half that of the fraction of tenth and twelfth graders who claim to have used the substance in the prior year.
Binge-Social problems related to excessive drinking.
Binge-According to a research done in 2023, over 50% of ecstasy users in the UK self-categorised as heterosexual males, in comparison to 28% who claimed to be heterosexual females. Bi-females comprised roughly 10% of the ecstasy users while G-straight males made up 4.6%, bi males 3.6% and lesbians approximately 1.7%.
Binge-Planets promote ECSTASY and rave culture.
Raves, which started being popular in the 1980s, are drug fueled all night parties that take place in warehouses, night club, fields and other forms of open space, they consist of techno, special laser lights and in the recent times a great deal of ecstasy use.
Ecstasy Effects
There are different ecstasy effects experienced in the hours that it stays active in one’s system.
Ecstasy High
When one uses ecstasy, they experience elated, joyful, and a sense of wellbeing emotions where they feel loved by and to others. The user may also have the urge to touch others and want to be touched, which arouses sexual feelings, and heightens their senses.
How long does ecstasy take to kick in?
Effects and feelings associated with ecstasy usually kick in 30 to 45 minutes after it is taken, with the effects reaching their peak, about 15 to 30 minutes later.
What is the duration of ecstasy effects?
While the normal duration of ecstasy effects can range between 4 to 6 hours, its after effects can extend up to weeks even.
Due to the reason people try to extend the duration of the effects, they often step up the dose of ecstasy when the effects start decreasing.
Ecstasy comes with various side effects that include a ‘high feeling’ and psychological effects that tend to alter one’s body functioning. Some of the side effects include:
Psychological Effects
Drug Craving
Lack of focus or Memory Problems
Panic Attacks
Decreased Appetite
Difficulty Sleeping
Physical Effects
Increased Body Temperature
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Nausea and Vomiting
Restless Legs
Muscle Cramping
Difficulty with vision
Dry skin
Feeling faint
During the consumption of Ecstasy, one does not feel any pain, which increases the chances of suffering minor injuries.
Molly Jaw
With the consumption of Ecstasy, one tends to grind their teeth and chew on their jaws, which in turn causes severe jaw pain, then jaw muscle spasms. Some People use lollipops and pacifiers to ease the pain. There are some other sources, such as marijuana and cocaine which increase the risk to one’s health.
Dangers Associated with Ecstasy Use
As you consume ecstasy, it has an impact on neurotransmitters within the human brain.
Serotonin. The drug elevates the serotonin concentration in your body, therefore you are ecstatic, feeling upbeat, or feeling high.
Dopamine. With dopamine depression one might become absolutely amped and go all-out hyper.
Norepinephrine. Activation of norepinephrine raises the heart rate and blood pressure.
Lasting Impact of Daily Ecstasy Use
Daily ecstasy intake could be harmful for one’s health putting a person’s life on the line. These side effects consists of:
Impairment of memory, learning, emotions, thinking , consolidation and sleeping leading to brain damage
Staggered nerve death
Mild or moderate depression along with anxiety
Deteriorated kidney functionality.
Possibly led to bleeding in the brain.
Psychosis or conditions resembling it.
Strong blood pressure decrease leading to possibilities of cardiac arrests.
Severe muscle spasms or contractions.
One must be aware of the fact that the outcomes from consuming the ecstasy tend to vary with overindividual factors. Factors like overall body health, weight, the quantity of dosage used and other drugs consumed would make a difference. These factors lead to a variety of psychosomatic responses in people and the manner and rate at which one comes down from the ecstasy intensifies the variations.
Ecstasy infamously is said to push the boundaries of heart, liver, and according to some sources, the kidneys to a failure or death. High doses of MDMA can cause an increase in body temperature, often seen as elevated body temperature and profuse sweating.
Rave culture has made ecstasy mainstream, but when it is not consumed in moderation, it can even turn out to be fatal. Hyperthermia is noted as the most threatening outcome of an overdose alongside the sudden drastic increase of body temperature, it can cause a sink in muscle mass and lead to organ failure. The cardiovascular system too can collapse from extreme temperature peaks caused by dancing, exercise, or being in overly hot environments. Such together with head swelling can deteriorate ones health quickly and easily; the risks of drinking alcohol or doing any drugs only multiply the chances of grave consequences existing.
The symptoms of an ecstasy overdose include:
An unusual heartbeat or heart rate
An increase in body temperature
Disorientation or difficulty in speech
Nervousness or considerable restlessness
Convulsions or attacks
What to do when you or a member of your group has taken too much ecstasy
Wait a minute, this is all so dramatic. Are we really going to call 911? Please relax, this is a medical emergency.
When speaking to the 911 operator, avoid phrases such as “drugs” or “overdose,” because the dispatcher would not be able to send an ambulance. Instead, describe the problem the patient is experiencing, for instance, in this case, they may not be moving due to seizures. Also, mention the specific place you are located in so that the ambulance can arrive as soon as possible.
There are places where the police do not arrest bystanders or those who overdose, but in some other places they might, which can be a worry especially when you’re using ecstasy and fearing getting into an arrest.
However here’s what you want to know: All states except Wyoming have Good Samaritan laws that will protect you from prosecution if you are assisting with an overdose. These laws are very different from one state to the other. In some states, those laws are quite broad with respect to drug-related arrests and prosecutions; in some states, the aid you give during an overdose will be a form of legal defense, which means you will not be guilty of a crime.
Can One Get Addicted to Ecstasy?
Though ecstasy contains addictive elements, the body of literature is scant regarding addiction potential for the drug. Other research indicates drugs such as cocaine are more effective addiction agents than ecstasy.
Although it is true that you most likely won’t develop any forms of addiction to ecstasy, usage of this substance does greatly increase the chances of getting SUD (substance usage disorder). Such addiction is able to severely affect numerous aspects of one’s life, such as one’s profession, interpersonal relationships and mental health, and in more severe cases, even pose a threat to one’s life.
What to do if you want to stop using Molly
While there isn’t any medication for stopping the use of ecstasy, there exists behavioral therapy which many people with an affinity for ecstasy have claimed works. Behavioral therapy gives you the required set of skills to help control the situations and environments in which you feel tempted to use ecstasy.
A good approach to alleviating such problems is to reach out for help from loved ones, such as family and friends. If you express and explain how ecstasy is problematic for you while asking for help, you can successfully manage to evade substance use disorders.
Get informed, consult your physician and connect with other local or online anti addiction groups for your problem.
Ecstasy and Molly Harm Reduction Information To begin with, there is no safe drug. Hence, the consumption of illegal cocaine such as ecstasy also carries a risk. For instance, the amount of the drug contained in a tablet, as always, is unknown as is the reaction it will provoke. In case you choose to go ahead, be sure there are ways of minimizing the risk of overdose and other serious consequences. Here are a few measures:
Avoid dehydration. Before and during ecstasy, drink one 16-ounce bottle of water for every hour you are on the drug. This will help prevent dehydration, which makes one faint or feel dizzy.
Remain with a trustworthy group of people. Do not take ecstasy when you are alone. At the minimum have one person present who is not going to take ecstasy during the session. If issues come up, those people will be needed to make the calls.
Remain in a comfortable and controlled setting. When you demonstrate any signs of ecstasy such as altered perception portraying any form of distortion, Ensure you’re in a spatially controlled area since this will eliminate any uncertainty. Limit circumstances around bodies of water, slopes or inside a vehicle.
Dosage should be grauduated. For people taking ecstacy for the first time, preemptive measures should include splitting a single dose into four parts administered over the span of two hours,Shock to the system should be avoided as it may have lasting impacts when adjusting to it.
Avoid combining drugs. Alcohol and other drugs taken along ecstasy puts the person at risk turning it into a treacherous scenario along with ending up in a hospital.
Get a pacifier or lollipops. To eliminate the risk of molar grinding drugs like compression should be utilized that will suppress the underlying cause.
Seek assistance if you suspect that you are experiencing any of the signs associated with an overdose regardless of whether you are together or alone. Furthermore, brace yourself for an unpleasant feeling such as nausea, vomiting, and an enhanced heart rate along with sweating during the consumption of ecstasy. Make sure your friends as well as yourself are educated enough in the safety tips which follow, as these will help in lowering the desired health issues, assuming that you want to use ecstasy in the first place.
To Conclude
No matter what, relief from worries regarding excess consumption of ecstasy to the point of it being life threatening is not possible, and the cause is as simple as making ecstasy illegal. Used sometimes in raves, which are basically all night parties, or in other forms, ecstasy is able to create euphoria along with various other feelings, including the desire of wanting to touch other people, but there is a cost too.
What is the duration that ecstasy can be found in the system?
Depending on many types of drug tests, the staying duration of ecstasy can differ. Typically it will take drug dealers three to five days after the drug was consumed. However, its effects can last from four to six hours to even weeks.
When will I be able to feel the effects of ecstasy?
You should start feeling the effects about half an hour after taking it or up to 45 minutes later.
What type of drug parent would you classify ecstasy?
Ecstasy is a drug which is artificially made with the help of a chemical known as 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine.
Is the drug ecstasy any good to take?
Drugs such as heroin and cocaine, are thought to be “hard” drugs because they are dangerous and highly addictive. Ecstasy is not regarded as addictive, but its use can be dangerous. This is why researchers and addiction specialists identify ecstasy as a hard drug.
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